Welcome to the Alaska Fishermen's Safety Association. The association was formed in 1986 to assist crabbers and trawlers in obtaining P&I insurance that was reasonably priced, provided broad coverage and with solid, stable underwriters. The association is managed by a Board of Directors who are all boat owners. The board reviews all applicants and makes recommendations to the insurer for membership. As a member of the Association, you will have access to a complete library of forms and contracts to use in the employment of crew members and claims reporting, criminal background check on potential crew members and a crew and owner accidental death and dismemberment coverage, including evacuation coverage. Together with our broker, we also put on various seminars throughout the year that will help you in running a safe operation and avoiding claims in the first place.
Please contact us for more information about AFSA.
Nadia Warness, Program Manager.
Please check out our Insurance Highlights Page for news and announcements.
Access a digital copy of the SCANDIES ROSE Safety Pamphlet here SCANDIES ROSE Safety Pamphlet
Please check out the new NPFVOA Website View the Insurance Highlights Page for further details